Megan Barnett and her son, Connor Barba were on their way to Kansas City for a thrilling night of sport. But tragically, their journey took a devastating turn when they were involved in a head-on collision.
Mother and son were looking forward to the Monday Night Football game on November 4, 2024, but for different reasons. According to Colin Barnett, who is Connor's uncle and Megan's brother, the 18-year-old was eager to see Baker Mayfield play.
Meanwhile, Megan wanted to see the Chiefs play. Colin speculated her reason may be motivated by the Taylor Swift connection as the pop singer is dating Chiefs' tight end Travis Kelce.
So, the 41-year-old surprised her son with tickets as a gift for his birthday, which would be celebrated next week. "He was shocked. It was not on his radar," Colin said.
The excited pair left their home in Norman, Oklahoma for Arrowhead Stadium but tragically, they never reached the game. Just before 4:00 p.m., while driving on a narrow, two-lane road, a Chevy Camaro crossed into oncoming traffic and collided head-on with their Hyundai SUV.